1896 to the Present Day...
Saint Anthony's Seminary
(Researched and Compiled by Dick D., SAS'64, and Steve R., SAS '67)
Click on the thumbnail photos to see enlargements, then click on the 'back arrow'
(upper-left on most screens) to return to the Timeline. IF it does not enlarge, try a "right-click" and then click on "Open in New Tab."
1896 - August 16 - Fr. Peter Wallischeck, OFM, of the Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart of St. Louis, Missouri, (of which California is a part) arrives in Santa Barbara, California with the desire to open a minor seminary.
1896 - September. 22 – “St. Anthony’s College” ("college" being the British term and model for a secondary boarding school) (from ME, Latin, "collegium"= society), begins holding classes at Old Mission Santa Barbara, in an old carpenter’s shop.(Photo shows that old shop at OMSB.) Fr. Peter, along with the only other professor, Fr. Felix Raab, OFM, use a makeshift space as a classroom.
A "dormitory of sorts"
is located in an upstairs area. It is to be a 4 year high school, and one year college, as preparation for novitiate. During the first year, the school has 11 students.
1896 - October 26 - Fr. Mathias Rechsteiner, OFM is added to the faculty.
1897 - June 18 – The very first "changes" to SAC take place! Renovations are undertaken to improve the small school at OMSB.
1897 - September 13 – Renovations are completed, giving students better living quarters and two classrooms for the next school year. Fr. O. Lunney, OFM is added to the faculty. The student population is 26.
1898 - April 8 – Realizing the need for more space for the growing school, a meeting is held at OMSB, presided over by Fr. T. Arentz, OFM. At this meeting, the town of Fruitvale, near Oakland, is under consideration as the place for a brand new school building; but, by the end of the meeting, it is decided to build it in Santa Barbara.
1898 - August 25 - Excavation work begins on this new, free-standing, stone school building on "Mission Hill," at 2300 Garden Street, in Santa Barbara. (Northwest of Santa Barbara Mission) The provincial architect, Bro. Adrian Wewer OFM, designs the new sandstone building to have "everything under one roof." His stellar knowledge and skills are a godsend. A Dr. Edward Williams Sr. donates most of the $30,000 needed to build the school.
1898 - October 10 – The first stone is laid by the Very Rev. Commissary Fr. Killian Schlausser, OFM, at 3:40 PM. Also present (lower left) are Fr. Wallischeck, and (upper middle) Fr. Matthias; and (upper right) Fr. Felix, Fr. Higgins, and Fr. Jose. Several of the masons and other stone workers are also present.
The work at first progressed very slowly due to the rocky, hard ground. The contractor, A.L. Pendola, almost gave up on the work! The historical record of Santa Barbara states: "When pick and plow no longer made any headway, holes were drilled and charged with powder. It was only after much blasting that the first stone could be laid."
1899 - June 13 – On the feast of St. Anthony the cornerstone of the new school is dedicated by Bishop George Montgomery of Los Angeles. Santa Barbara’s mayor, Edmund Burke, is also in attendance and gives a little speech. (See first photo.) Read his actual speech by clicking here!
Here is a photo of the mayor sitting with the Franciscan friars who are in attendance...
1899 - Construction continues....
....and, is almost complete...
1900 - June – The FIRST young men graduate from SAC! (But the new building is not yet finished.) (From left to right: Joseph Linneweber, Clarence Redman, Joseph Damek, Theodore Bose, Emil Oblasser.)
1900 - December 31– Finally, the brand new, free-standing “SAC Seminary Building” is complete!!! ..
It contains a top floor dormitory
(note the plumbed sinks), an elegant chapel on the second floor
, classrooms, a study hall room that changes uses over the years
, a small kitchen, a refectory in the basement
that also changes uses over the years, (some may recognize it as the science lab of later years), a laundry room
, administration offices, electricity, and indoor plumbing!
The finishing touches are applied. . .
The new building is actually in the shape of a "T" or a "cross".
(Photo taken from the mission side.)
1901 - January 27 - The first classes are held in the new building! Also, the first Mass is celebrated in the 2nd floor chapel by Fr. Peter Wallischeck.
1901 - April 25 – The new building is blessed and dedicated by Bishop George Montgomery of Los Angeles. Many Franciscans are in attendance... This statement is from the Santa Barbara records..."The dedication commenced with a solemn procession from the historic old mission to the new seminary where elaborate ceremonies of the Roman Rite were duly observed."
1901 - May – The second class graduates, but they are the first to graduate from the new location. (Note the "St. Anthony's College" name by their feet.)
1901 - Fall - The Lord Family Entertainers perform at SAC.
1902 - Students present their first dramatic play, Tarcisius.
1902 - Graduates! More 'formal' than the 1901 group! ....
1903 - Two students and a "mascot' stand in front of the school.
1904 - Color litho postcard of the school! (Note: the original school, the OMSB carpenter shop, is in the foreground)
1904 - The 5th Graduating Class.....................................
1905 - More Graduates!.......................................
1906 - The campus 'landscaping' is taking shape!
1907 - August – The first “Student Catalogue” is published. (See it and read it by clicking HERE.) (Then click on your "back arrow to return to the timeline)
1907 - September - The student population (for all fives years) is 56.
1907 - Baseball team ...
1908 - SAC students' hike from the school to Seven Falls!
1908 - Graduates!
1909 - And yet another graduating class...
1910 - Photo of campus. (Many additions and changes are to come.) In fact, note the basketball courts on the right in the photo. They are removed in the 1924 when new courts are built on the northwest side of campus. (But basketball courts are again built in this original spot in 2008!) (See 2008 below.)
1911 - The first of many trips to Hendry's Beach. (Note the familiar cliffs in the background.)
1911 - Student Body 1911-1912
1912 - Enrollment is now 52. Another color litho postcard of the school is issued...
1913 - Campus photo from the mission side.
1914 - Outing to the Hope Ranch area on a "free day" , SAS jargon for "holiday.".
1915 - The "Franciscan Province of Saint Barbara" is established. It is comprised of the following states: Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. The Province of Sacred Heart hands over the operations of St. Anthony's to the new province. Boys now travel from these six states to attend St. Anthony's.
1916 - The SAC Orchestra. Yes, an orchestra was formed as an extra-curricular activity! It continues year-to-year until 1928.
1917 - See the 1917 SAC student catalog by clicking here.
1918 - The school is officially re-named "St. Anthony's Seraphic Seminary" in place of St. Anthony's College.
1919 - Sept. - A few seasons of "tackle" football begin. (Note the leather helmets.) .
1920 - October 30 - The first Antonian, a student periodical, is published. (See it by clicking here. )
And the first "staff" of the Antonian...
1921 January - Silver Jubilee! - 25 years!
A big celebration is held. See the Silver Jubilee booklet by clicking here.
A special button/pin is issued to commemorate the event!
1921 The Jubilee Faculty... and the brothers six...
1921 Photo of the school campus as it appears in 1921 (with beautiful front gardens for the Jubilee) and the student body as it appears in 1921.
Enrollment is 67.
1921 October 4 - A very special St. Francis Feast Day! The Jubilee year officially ends on this day.
1921 The SAS Baseball team (and see 1967 for a neat photo "re-make.")
1921 Jubilee year Graduates! ....
1922 The Bernhard Hoffmann house, (later known simply as "the Casa"), is built just northwest of the SAS campus, in Andalusian (Spanish Colonial) style. .
(It is mentioned here because its future will become an integral part of SAS.) (See 1942)
1922 Campus photo from the mission side. (Note the new Casa in the background.)
1923 - A busy year! February – Blasting begins for a second SAS building, the Study Hall/ Classroom/Dormitory Building. (Note the Casa in background.)
1923 April 29 – The cornerstone of the Study Hall Building is dedicated by Bishop John J. Cantwell of Los Angeles. .
.(Note the brick construction that is to be covered with stucco, and see the cornerstone in the lower right behind the empty chair.) St. Anthony’s Seminary master plan is also unveiled at the ceremony. See the poster behind the bishop. Here is a close-up photo of the Master Plan.
And here are some various stages of construction:
The study hall building nears completion. Note that there are no doors on the northwest side.
Those doors are put in at a later date. And...Almost done!
1923 September – The new “Study Hall/Classroom/ Dormitory Building” is complete! It features a huge study hall with a “proscenium arch" stage, with "apron"; classrooms on the second floor
, and a dormitory on the top floor.
, but it is not occupied until December due to delays in the “finishing” work.
The students' first "study period" in the new study hall...
Some interesting facts about this building: The architecture is Andalusian, incorporating a Spanish Renaissance influence. In fact, the front archway and front doors of this building are "practically exact replicas" of a 16th century arch and doorway in Avila, Spain which faces the main square of the town.
(Photo shows that building as it still stands in Spain.) Also, the corbels supporting the balcony in front of the classroom windows
are inspired by wooden cornice brackets found on Moorish structures in Zaragoza, Spain. (Note: The balcony is removed in later years. The reason why is not known, but photos from the '60s still show it in place.) Finally, the open balustrade, (the stairs under the three arches on the back side of the building),
is a replica of the stairway in the Palacio de Moncado in Barcelona, Spain.
1923 Students 'hang out' by the new study hall building.
1923 Work also begins on a third building-- The Service Wing.
1924 January 3 – The new “Service Wing” is complete! It features a friar refectory, kitchen, friar chapel, guest rooms, storeroom, and school infirmary. It is dedicated by Bishop John Cantwell of Los Angeles.
1924 March - A game of volleyball in front of the original building, and the new study hall building.
1924 Tackle football is dropped due to a number of injuries.
1924 New tennis/basketball courts are built to the northwest of the study hall building, along mission canyon. (Note the Casa in the background.) Horseshoe pits are also set up in that area. (But this "footprint" will one day be the place for a dorm building...see 1939) Also, with these new courts in place, the original courts, in front of the school, are removed, making space for another baseball diamond. (But, in 2008, basketball courts are again built on the same spot. (See 2008)
1924 October – Baseball player Babe Ruth visits SAS. (See the article in that November Antonian by clicking here .)
1925 February - Student Body Photo. "Pantaloons a-plenty"
1925 June 29 – 6:44 AM – EARTHQUAKE! (aka “The Catholic Quake”) 19 seconds duration in two waves– 6.3 on the Richter Scale. .
-Mr. John Shea, a gardener, is killed by falling stones. No students or faculty are killed; but the original, main building, especially the original 2ndfloor chapel, is badly damaged! The upper walls fall outward. (See the gaping holes in the original chapel's wall in the above photos.) Several 'aftershocks' damage the buildings even more. A big 'aftershock' occurs at 11:15 AM on Friday, July 3rd.
1925 July - An "earthquake edition" of the Antonian is quickly published to solicit financial help! See it by clicking here . ($250,000 is the estimated amount that is needed to re-build.)
1925 July – Debris is cleared, and repairs to the main building are started almost immediately. It is decided to demolish the top two floors completely, including the damaged original chapel which was located on the second floor. But first, six tons of steel girders are placed throughout the two lower floors to help stabilize the structure. (See the rivets in this 1925 steel stabilizing beam.) . Here a friar stands where the original chapel "used to be",
and where the music rooms are "soon to be." Wood frame construction is to make up the new upper floors, and white stucco is to form the outer surface. Ross Montgomery is hired to supervise the re-construction.
Re-construction begins. (Note: The front steps are still their original "straight-in" configuration. The change to the front steps comes at a later date.)
1925 Students play football as the reconstruction continues. And, it is almost finished...
1925 December – Reconstruction to the main building, and all of SAS to this point, is complete! (This photo is taken from the mission side, showing the new, pristinely painted stucco.) The top two floors are now re-built. The new configuration consists of a new third floor music room,
,with a number of smaller practice rooms, where the original chapel used to be, and also included on this floor is a new cloister area for the priests.
The top floor consists of a new, larger, open dormitory (later nicknamed “the barn"). The new configuration eliminates the "slanted" ceiling, as well as the original dormer windows. . Here is the "second cornerstone" placed mid-way up the old main building to acknowledge the new, top two floors.
Also, during this time, the “main jakes” in the basement are enlarged and "improved."
1926 January – A new, larger, free-standing chapel is started. It is to be made of “earthquake-proof” reinforced concrete. The new chapel is designed by Ross Montgomery from a sketch by Rector Fr. Theophilus Richardt, OFM.
Construction of the new chapel continues..
In the meantime, a temporary altar is set up on the stage of the study hall for Mass and services.
1927 January 3 - The new Christ the King Chapel construction is basically complete, but the outstanding “reredos” is not yet complete, along with some other interior appointments. .
The cornerstone says "Christ the King - 1926" And a Latin plaque by the "side door" reads ...
The translation is...
as it is dedicated to Christ the King!
1927 February 11 – The new chapel is now ready to use. Spanish-colonial designs are applied to the ceiling, and the choir loft beams..
. 11 large, impressive, glass windows, (stained glass is put in at later dates), grace the upper walls. Outside, its concrete tower rises nearly 140 feet into the air!
There are 136 stairs from the bottom to the very top.
1927 May 3 – The new chapel is dedicated by Bishop John J. Cantwell of Los Angeles, and the "reredos", designed by artist Chris Mueller with direction from Fr. Theophilus, is now complete. (Read more about the reredos by clicking here .)
1927 May 27 – The main altar of the new chapel is consecrated.. Also, the beautiful sacristy is completed.
1927 The student population is now 100.
1927 The SAS Orchestra..................
1928 The Community Arts Association of Santa Barbara gives the new chapel and tower a "Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Architecture."
1928 A photo taken from the Hoffman house (the Casa, which is still owned by the Hoffmans) with the new SAS chapel tower in the background.
1928 The SAS Orchestra '28 style. The last year for it ......(In the ensuing years it is replaced with a boys choir.)
1928 Graduates!................
1929 Student Body of 1928-1929 -
1930 = During this decade, SAS is a FOUR YEAR high school and a TWO YEAR junior college =
1931 The 1931-1932 SAS faculty
1932 The chapel gets a pipe organ!! It is an Estey with "10 ranks" of pipes and two manuals. Fr. Rector says, "It is a melodious touch to the beauty of our chapel."
1933 Photo of campus in '33, It is now eight years after the earthquake.
1934 Aerial photo of campus from a postcard.
1935 March 17 – The first “Track Day” is held on the big field. It becomes a yearly tradition for many years. Here is an original layout diagram for setting up the track and field. (Note: During the 1950s, team floats are paraded and displayed before the actual meet begins.)
1935 Student Body Photo.......................... .
1936 '36-'37 Student Body Photo .............. .
1936 - The Vienna Boys Choir presents a performance in the chapel.
1936 - Jose Mojica, a popular Mexican tenor of the time, visits SAS, and performs on the study hall stage.
1937 Summer - Handball courts are built on the northwest side near the study hall..
They are made of a special "linseed oil treated hardwood" to help resist termites. ( Note: Handballs begin to be sold in the SAS Stationery Store.)
1937 - September – Intramural sports begin in earnest, with two teams named the Lancers and the Vikings.
See the articleabout the new team names in the October 1937 Antonian by clicking on this thumbnail.
1938 January 12 – New combination basketball / tennis courts are completed on the southeast side near the city water reservoir**. . The basketball standards are removable to allow for tennis as the seasons change. The courts are multi-use striped. An "outdoor gym" is also installed next to the courts. It has overhead bars and rings.
See the actual color, home movie of the dedication of these courts by Fr. Louis Schoen OFM, the rector, by clicking here .
See the article about the courts in the February 1938 Antonian by clicking on this thumbnail...
**Note: Water for SAS campus is free because the city reservoir by the courts sits on campus property.
1938 May – A brand new pipe organ, (and echo organ in the chancel) is installed. Each organ has its own console, and both can be played from either keyboard. This Aeolian Duo-Art organ is donated by George Knapp. His donation is the consequence of his attendance at a 'oratorios' in the chapel by the Santa Barbara Choral Union. .
1939 Summer - The dorm over study hall is removed due to earthquake concerns. Re-enforcing beams are then laid crossways in the attic for strengthening purposes. (Photo shows how the building appears after the dorm is removed.)
1939 Summer - Showers are added next to the "barn" dormitory on the top floor of the main building. Before this, students had to descend three flights of stairs to the ground floor to shower. Concerning the new showers, Fr. Rector of that time says that they "chose real marble for dividers because marble is impervious to mold and mildew." (Note: The shower installation meant another change to the architecture... the small "portal' style windows (seen in this photo)
are framed in, and larger, higher, rectangular windows are added, as seen in the interior photo above. (This photo shows the portals being framed in, prior to the plaster and tile being applied.
) So now the roof area of that section has been raised to create a long hallway from the tower stairs to the dormitory. Here you can see the taller portion with the rectangular windows...
=During the 1939-1940 school year, all students are housed in the upper main "barn" dormitory. That arrangement is due to the fact that the dorm over the study hall has been removed and the other dorm is yet to be built! Can you say "dilemma"?
1939 October - Work is finally started on the new dormitory building. It’s footprint is to run parallel to Mission Canyon, on the northwest end of campus, where old basketball courts and horseshoe pits used to be. The description in an Antonian says: "A steel girder skeleton is built first, then comes bricks, wood and stucco, followed by a tile roof."
(See the actual "permitting process" from the city by clicking here . The building permit costs 2 dollars!)
Also, here is a quote from the Oct. 7, 1939 Santa Barbara News Press: "St. Anthony's new $60,000 modern dormitory is under construction following months of detailed planning to make it a thing of beauty to enhance the school's property. It will house 60 students. The interior will have linoleum over concrete floors, tile showers and dressing rooms, panel wainscoting and donovan windows." (Note: That original wainscoting is still there as of 2021.)
1939 December – A new “Maintenance/Garage Building” is completed near the reservoir. In ensuing years it is nicknamed “Tortilla Flat.” .It also has rooms for maintenance workers.
1940 April – FINALLY!...the new, northwest “Dormitory Building” is complete!!..
(Move-in day is April 6, 1940 for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th classes.) It has a white stucco exterior and five dormitories. Two big dorm areas make up the bottom floor (which are rarely used as dorms). There is also a large locker room and shower room on the bottom floor.
On the far end is the sophomore rec room.
The top floor consists of three dormitories. This photo shows the smaller upper "senior" dorm,
, and this one shows one of the larger upper dorms during sheet changing.* .
. This photo shows a student's typical bed and locker there.
*Note: Bed linens are always changed this way= bottom sheet to the laundry pile, top sheet to the mattress, clean sheet to the top.
“College classrooms” are the first use of the bottom floor, and later, the bottom floor is used as a freshman study hall, and also for storage of theatrical props and flats.
Read all about the building's construction on page 8 of the June 1940 Antonian by clicking here . (To return to the timeline after reading, click on the 'back arrow' in the upper left of your screen.)
1940 Sept - Sunday evening "General Recreation" is initiated, taking the place of the evening study period.
1941 Sept. - New basketball / volleyball courts are now complete near the handball courts..
. (The courts of 1924 were demolished during the 1940 dorm construction.)
1942 Each separate class now performs its own “Class Play”. (Previously, there were two “school" plays presented each school year.”).
Also, the freshman class now presents a declamation contest. See some of the play programs, and additional play photos by clicking here .
1942 Student Body photo. Enrollment is 82, down somewhat due to WWII.
1942 Rector Fr. Augustine Hobrecht oversees the purchase of the Hoffmann House, Casa Santa Cruz, later known simply as “The Casa.” This 18,000 sq. ft. home, built in the Andalusian style of architecture, in 1922, is first used, by the Franciscans, as a school for OFM brothers until 1949. Later uses include college classrooms, junior and senior recreation rooms, an overflow senior dorm in 1960, and the school library. This photo shows the ground story floorplan.. .
Some readers may recall when it was a school library beginning in the late 1950s.
1943 SAS joins the "Schools at War" effort during WWII. An Antonian article explains how students saved and pooled their allowances to buy war bonds. Photo is from the April 1943 Antonian cover. (See the entire Antonian by clicking here. )
1943 - The student choir, The Franciscan Choristers, practice in the music room.
1944 A play about St. Francis in modern society, "It Could Happen Now" is performed..
1945 April 10 - Work is started on Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine. It is to be built by the students. It faces Mission Canyon, just below the maintenance building. Fr. Celestine supervises. Fr. Herbert is Rector.
1945 October 7 – “The Grotto,” as the Lourdes shrine is called, is complete and dedicated.(Note: More details are added in later years.)
1945 - September - Incoming freshmen (and students of other classes) make up the largest "class" entering SAS thus far...
1945 Seminarians "hang out" on the study hall steps waiting for some 4 o'clock Lunch! (Usually it was jelly sandwiches.)
1946 Golden Jubilee! - 50 Years! A big celebration is held. See the Jubilee booklet by clicking here .
1946 September – The “Titans,” a third intramural sports team is added. The “Vikings” and the “Lancers” have been the existing teams since 1937. (Students on the team not playing a game are now the referees and umpires.)
1946 September – After years of delay, the Swimming Pool is complete. (It is actually on the Old Mission property, but is used by SAS boys "most of the time.") Photo shows the dedication.. and as the fun begins....
1946 October - Faculty and Student Body .....
1947 September - The "6th year" is dropped at SAS and is moved to San Luis Rey Mission.
1947 "Happenings" around campus...........
1948 Dec.- Permits are applied for, and construction is started on a new refectory/dormitory building on the southeast side of campus. (The maintenance shop can be seen in the background.) See the permit papers for this building by clicking here . Mr. Fleischmann of the Fleischmann's Yeast Co. donates most of the $250,000 needed to build it.
Student enrollment is 160.
1949 March 17 - Track Day! But this photo also shows the new refectory (see the wooden forms?) rising in the background!
1949 The Von Trapp Family Singers perform on the Study Hall stage (Also see 1953)
1949 October 16 – The new “Refectory/Dormitory Building” is complete! This photo shows the dedication ceremony....
It includes a locker room
and showers
on the bottom floor, along with a freshman rec room with a shuffleboard table.
Then, on the second floor is a new, spacious refectory,
a dishwashing room,
and a full kitchen.
. And, on the third floor are four small (12 beds each) dormitories...
This building has several "Federal Style" features, including the Greek influenced "triangle" over the front doors. and "columns" on either side of the doors. Also, the windows are not "grouped," but separate, and most of them are the same size all around. The exterior is not ornate, but rather simple, and on the side is an unassuming balistrude. (stairway).
==From the early 1950s through the early 1970s, each class chooses its own "Class Mascot." Here are a few examples. .. .
To see more, click here .
1950 Postcard view of SAS from the mission side.
1950 The Class of 1950 is the 50th graduating class.(Here they are "recreating").
1950 May - The SAS campus is now considered to be "completely built".. But, "smaller" projects continue.
During the decade of the 1950s, the students make floats which are displayed on March 17, Track Day. See a movie of some of the floats by clicking here.
1951 March - The Junior Class presents "Dynamite and Taxes" ...
1952 Freshmen Study Hall is now in the lower level area of the northwest dorm, due to an increase in the student population.
1952 And there are always chores to be done!
1953 The freshman class. (New upperclassmen make up the first row.)
1953 One of several "unofficial," "live" mascots thru the years; he is named "Jefferson."
1953 The "Von Trapp Family Singers" perform a spring concert at SAS on the study hall stage. (By this time the father had passed away, but the singers included the mother and all the children.) This photo of the singers was taken in front of Old Mission Santa Barbara.
1954 January - A new "5th year" (aka: first year of college) program begins. The college students are now "partitioned" from the high school program. They no longer act as table prefects or do anything with the SAS students; some TV is allowed; sports are no longer mandatory; off-campus privileges are allowed; and philosophy is emphasised. See the Feb. 1954 Antonian page 4 article by clicking here .
1954 The “Fill Inn” Snack Bar debuts in the open area under the refectory. Ice cream cones are 5 cents, and malts are 10 cents..
1954 September - First Burse Plaque (endowment) is placed on chapel's west wall. (St. Mary's in Phoenix raises $3000 for student tuition.) This photo shows the burse wall many years, and many burses , later!
1954 October - Student body photo. The school is near capacity.
1955 Fun at the beach.. (1950s collage)
1956 June - There are TWO graduating classes! The '5th Year' Grads are to go on to Novitiate at San Miguel Mission, and the '4th Year' Grads are to head to San Luis Rey as the first 'lay students' there for first year of college.
1956 June The last "5th Class Graduates"... ...and the "4th year" Grads...
1956 September - As the '56 - '57 school year begins, there are no more "5th year” seminarians at SAS. Rather they are now at San Luis Rey Mission for first year college classes.
1956 September – SAS is now 'officially' a four-year high school only, and it has a top enrollment of 265!!
1957 Diamond Jubilee! - 60 Years! A big celebration is held. See the Diamond Jubilee booklet by clicking here . It is the only time that a ferris wheel is on the campus! This photo is taken from the top of it! . and this photo is taken of it!
1957 -Diamond Jubilee Graduates........
1958 March - Seminarians sell “World’s Finest Chocolate” to fundraise for chapel remodeling. The boys go door to door throughout Santa Barbara in their suits to sell the candy.
1958 Summer months – Plaster is added to the interior walls of the chapel, covering the unfinished walls. Pre-1958 photo of the interior shows the original look, and a Post-1958 photo shows the new look.
1958 Summer months – The library is moved from the administration building (Old Main) to the Casa..
1959 Mosaics, imported from Italy, of St. Anthony and St. Francis, are installed above the chapel’s side altars.
(Note: The first shipment of the two mosaics are ruined by water damage on the way over from Italy, and the school gets all the loose pieces of tile as the result of an insurance claim.) Students help sort the tiles into different color categories. The tiles are then used by Fr. Nevin Ford, OFM to make the Stations of the Cross, a St. Francis wall plaque, and other various mosaics around the SAS campus.
1959 Sept. - As school starts a few seniors (12) are housed in the Casa due to overcrowding in the senior dorm. Some of them referred to it as 'easy-livin' as they could take baths, and could sit on the veranda overlooking the canyon!
1959 Sept. – A stone wall, running along the canyon side of the chapel, (along the top of the back portico) is begun. It is constructed by students and supervised by Fr. Nevin Ford. The students bring rocks for it from Mission Creek which runs through Mission Canyon behind the seminary.
1959 October 4 – The first official "flag" football game is played! Before this date, all games were “touch,” except for a few years of tackle in the 1920s. ( Note: For many years, October 4, St. Francis feast day, is also the first day of football season.)
1959 November - A Franciscan vocational film, It Takes a Man, is completed. Several scenes are filmed at SAS, and several seminarians are used as 'extras' in the film. View the film by clicking here .
1960 April – The stone wall, built by students along that back portico, is completed. .
1960 Sept – The large open room in the administration building, which began as the student study hall in 1900, then later used as the dining room, now becomes the freshman study hall. (Freshman study hall had been in the lower floor of the dormitory building on the west side. ) (In later years this room is also used as the Rector's Lounge.)
1960 Sept. - Mosaic tiles for a new BVM altar arrive from Italy. Work begins to mount the tiles on the chapel wall left of the main altar.
1960 November - The Blessed Virgin Mary Mosaic is completed..
1961 October - The first issue of Aquilifer, a monthly Latin newspaper, is published by the senior class.
1961 Student Population is 227.
1961 October - "Another" stone wall, this one around the perimeter of the playing field, is begun by the freshman class, and supervised by Fr Nevin Ford. The initial main thrust is to remove all the rocks from the slope placed there after the 1925 earthquake..
(Fr Nevin works on the wall after teaching classes.)
1961 October - Sophomores begin "Project Nelly", to clean up the Casa Gardens from the house itself down to Garden Street. (It is completed in May '62.)
A job well done!
1961 Dec.- Snow falls on Mount LaCumbre which is just beyond the canyon that is behind the seminary.
1961 October – New study hall desks are made by Bro. Clem Wehe, OFM, and others, replacing the old, original 1920 “lift-top” desks. Out with the old...
and in with the new ...
1962 A second vocation film is produced, CHALLENGE!, and like the first film made in 1959, this one also has many scenes filmed at SAS, which is even depicted as a co-ed school! Several seminarians are used as 'extras.' This film stars a very young Jack Nicholson! (See the film by clicking here .)
1962 Sept. - The Antonian is at "peak production" with a run of about 4000 copies per issue thanks to a subscription drive. Students write the stories, take the photos, and do everything "except run the presses," as they have done since 1920. Read the article about this achievement in the Dec. 1962 issue of the Antonian by clicking Here. (It is on page 18.)
1962 December – “Beds for Boys” campaign is kicked off. The goal is to raise money to replace all the “cot-style” dorm beds with new ones that consist of a box spring and mattress.
1962 December - "The Franciscan Choristers", (which is the name of the school choir from its inception in the early years), enjoys its biggest year with over 60 voices, under the direction of Fr. Warren Rouse, OFM. It also records it's best selling, green, vinyl Christmas Album.
( Hear the album by clicking here .)
1962 A photo in the stairwell, that leads up to the freshman dorm, shows the Class of 1966 as Freshmen.
1963 June - Bro. Ivo Stuewe, OFM completes 29 years as SAS head cook! He is transferred to St. Joe’s in LA in June of 1963.
1963 March– The new beds arrive and are set up in all the dorms by the seminarian "mattress brigade!" The mattresses have tags that read: “Made Expressly for St. Anthony’s Seminary". Out with the old....
and in with the new...
See the April 1963 Antonian article (page 14) about the new beds by clicking here .
1963 May- A new organ console is donated to the chapel by Mr. and Mrs. Rouse, parents of Fr. Warren Rouse, OFM. It has 3 keyboards, and 48 stops. See the Oct. 1963 Antonian article about it (Page 27) by clicking here.
1963 Nov. 22 - The news of President John F. Kennedy's assassination is announced in the classrooms at about 11 AM. School is immediately dismissed, and all students proceed to the chapel for a Mass. For the next 4 days the television set in the refectory, which is usually turned off, is constantly turned on showing coverage of the events.
1964 March 17 - Track Day! And students gather for the awards ceremony.
1964 Spring – 14 Mosaic Stations of the Cross, a Christ the King statue, and a St. Francis statue are all completed by Fr. Nevin Ford, OFM...
This photo shows the dedication of the St. Francis statue and the re-designed fountain.
1964 October - FIRE!!! A forest fire rages in the foothills and into Mission Canyon behind the seminary, and comes very close to the school , but it is extinguished before it reaches the school's back portico, avoiding an evacuation.
1964 October – A “Language Lab,” designed by Fr. Peter Krieg, OFM, opens in the former library area of the administration building.... "Puer, pueri..."
1965 April - The Franciscan Choristers present a Golden Jubilee Concert on the 50th Anniversary of the Province of Santa Barbara. It is held in Whittier, California. To see the concert program, click here.
1965 September - The first lay teacher, Mrs. Fern Sayovitz is hired. She teaches English and Literature for the next 22 years at SAS.
1965 That "other" stone wall, started in 1961, going around the perimeter of the playing field, is finally completed by Fr. Nevin Ford and an 'army of seminarians' over period of almost 4 years....
(And most of it still stands to the present day!)
1965 December - Dr. Paul Munch is presented with a plaque of dedication, thanking him for 30 years of medical service to the students of SAS..
1965 Fr Nevin completes a St. Francis Mosaic for the refectory.
1966 February - Student Body and Faculty photo...
1966 March - Fr. Nevin Ford's artwork is put on display for a public viewing....
1966 March - A few Juniors relax during morning class break...
1966 Sept. - Redemptorist seminarians join the SAS student body. ..
1967 Spring - Students pose for a Baseball photo "re-make" of a 1921 baseball photo. (They 'nailed it!' ).....
1967 April – Bishop James Pike is a guest speaker.
1967 May – Fr Severin Baumann, OFM, a 1938 SAS graduate, completes 20 years as a SAS teacher! The 1967 Antonian yearbook is dedicated to him.
1967 - October 11 - Students from the closed St. Francis Seminary in Troutdale, Oregon, join the SAS student body. Here is a story about it from the Dec. 1967 Antonian...
1968 - Spring – Cesar Chavez, following a 25 day water-only fast, stays at SAS in the workers quarters, and Robert F. Kennedy visits him there about two months before RFK's assassination. This photo shows Chavez speaking in the SAS Chapel , and these two are of him and his wife dining in the SAS refectory following his fast.
1968 - SAS now invites the greater community of Santa Barbara to join the boys for Sunday Mass.
1969 April - Big Spring Concert is performed, "Let the Sunshine In." Listen to the concert recording by clicking here.
1969 May - Pentecost Eucharist and Celebration in front of SAS with the greater Santa Barbara community. .
And after Mass...
1970 June – The last Latin class is held at SAS, (followed by the last Latin exam!)
1970 Summer months - The study hall desks are moved to the lower floor of the northwest dorm building to 'ready' the study hall to become a gymnasium!
1970 October-Nov. – The study hall is transformed into a gymnasium, complete with a wooden playing surface. Bro. Clem Wehe OFM, and his crew of student helpers, do an amazing job. .
1970 Fall - "Up With People" performs at SAS.
1971 November - Christ the King Day is celebrated outdoors .....
1972 January - “Outside schools” come to SAS to play basketball in the “gym” on a regular basis! The SAS team is known as “The Spartans.” .
1972 Brother Jan re-wires and re-vamps the electrical system of the school.
1972 Just "laying back" on the front Casa lawn. Casa is in the background...
1973 The main jakes in the basement of the main building are “split” into Men and Women sides. (for basketball fans, etc.)
1973 May - Class of 1973 photo...
1974 Spring - Another big Spring Concert is performed on the stage as a fundraiser. (Read about in in the yearbook by clicking here .)
1974 Student artwork for the yearbook-
1975 Set building for a school play....
1975 School Basketball Team, the Spartans, that played outside schools...
1975 The Class of 1975 is the 75th graduating class! Note: The photo is taken in the same place as the 1901 class photo! (Only a railing, 74 years, and a little more hair, have been added!)
1976 Spring - A huge USA Bi-Centennial theatrical production is presented.
1976 Bi-centennial Graduates...
1977 School Basketball Team.....
1977 The Junior Class poses for a photo...
1977 SAS is now called St. Anthony's High School; and the emphasis is more on the teachings of St. Francis than it is on the students preparing for the priesthood.
1978 “Partitions” are built around each bed in the dormitories, so that each student has a “study/sleeping cubicle.”
1978 Aerial photo of the campus
1979 The music practice rooms are now used as senior study rooms.
1979 - Aerial photo is taken by a former student from a small plane.
1979 SAS Student Body.... (It is in two "halves.").
1980 Soccer is the big inter-school sport of this decade...;
1980 Christ the King Sunday is still the big fall celebration each year.
1980 Graduates!
1981 The chapel’s main altar and the Communion railing are removed, the BVM mosaic is covered, and the tabernacle is moved to that side altar area. Also, the blonde pews are replaced with brown ones. This is a huge undertaking to make the chapel more 'open,' a trend of the time. It takes about 6 months to complete. The original reredos, however, remains intact. .
1982 800 years since the birth of St. Francis! Celebration time!
1982 Special class rings are made and donated by Alejandro Portugal...
1984 School Soccer Team ...
1985 Soccer continues to be the big sport on campus! .
But baseball
and basketball
are also played.
1985 Student Body of 1984-1985 and the '85 Graduates!
1986 Fr. Finbar Kenneally, OFM organizes the “St. Anthony’s Seminary Alumni Association." (See the "About Us" page on this website.)
1986 1985-1986 Student Body.....
1986 July – The first “All-Class SAS Alumni Reunion” is held. (See the "Reunion Photos" page on this website.)
1987 It is announced that St. Anthony's will close at the end of this school year.
1987 Students and teachers begin to work on a special tribute booklet.
1987 May 8 - A final theatrical production, "Echoes and Encores", is presented..
1987 Lupe Mendoza completes 30 years as SAS seamstress/laundress, ironing approximately 60,000 shirts!
1987 May 28 – The final SAS classes and exams are held.
1987 June – The last SAS Antonian is published, entitled “Final Tribute”. See this special yearbook by clicking here.
1987 June – Final SAS Graduation – Class of 1987.
1987 June – St. Anthony’s Seminary is officially closed, but...
1987 September – A local grammar school begins to rent space on the campus for day classes.
1987 September – The first “official” SAS Alumni Association Newsletter is published, complete with the “little man at his typewriter” illustration on the front cover; and he is depicted on every subsequent issue.
(Read the first newsletter by clicking ...Here.)
1995 The 60 year old handball courts on the campus are razed due to termite damage, but also to use the area for school parking. .
2000 “The Casa” is sold by the Franciscans to a local Santa Barbara family.
2005 June – St. Anthony’s Seminary is sold to SRS Garden Street, LLC, which then donated the property to the San Roque Charitable Trust. An extensive seismic retrofitting for earthquake-proofing, re-roofing, asbestos removal, ADA and other code enforcement updates, re-wiring, and re-plumbing begins immediately. This is required by county, state, and federal agencies. The service wing/infirmary is razed due to earthquake danger. It cannot withstand a retrofit.
In the meantime, classes are held in portable buildings on the campus; so, over 100 years of education continues at 2300 Garden Street … now known as as "Garden Street Academy."
2008 - Basketball courts are built where they originally stood. (See 1910)
2010 – The original "old main" building is listed in the “National Register of Historic Places” exactly 110 years after it's completion. It has "survived" an earthquake, extensive renovations throughout the years, re-wiring in the '70s, and a complete seismic retrofitting that will hopefully preserve her for many years to come!
2012 - The Historic Landmarks Commission finalizes the designation process after working with the school's new owners to complete its historic research concerning the campus! See the commission's declaration by clicking here .
2020 - May - The last GSA class graduates, and then the school officially closes. (The 2020 GSA Student Body . )
2021 - July - The 35th Annual (and final) SAS ALL-CLASS REUNION is held on the school grounds 120 years after the first boys graduated from SAS.
2022 and beyond... How will the property now be used???